I would like to start out by noting that i'm okay. I'm not sure yet what's wrong with me, but i've got a little (okay, a lot) of pain in my left side. My loving wife asked me to go to the doctor today. I went thinking that perhaps i'd get poked around on, maybe a little bit of questioning and a prescription for some muscle relaxers because it's just a pulled muscle.
No such luck.
First off, they wanted a sample. I had to have a glass of water. No one told me there would be a test when I got here.
Secondly, they want my blood. I'm fond of my blood. I like to keep it. And the first nurse was a really bad shot. She dug around for what seemed like minutes trying to find a vein. Nope... nada. Second young lady comes in, slaps on a tourniquet slings a needle in and she's done in 3 seconds. It was kinda nice, as pain goes.
That's all well and good, but they think I may have appendicitis. Problem. "The pain is on your left side", you say. Good point. But I think i'm backwards. It's rare, but it happens, and my family is prone to it.
SO we go to CT scan. Where I am given 900Ml of liquid to drink. That's the easy part. The hard part is holding it for an HOUR while it gets to the appropriate location. Ugh.
So again, we have to stick my arm for an IV. And what happens... yep you guessed it... she missed. 2 times. Blood is spurting everywhere. I've already lost enough blood, people.. come on! Lets not forget that I can't get too stressed.. 900 Ml of liquid... that could be embarrasing.
Finally we get my CT scan over with about 3:00, and now it is nearly 11:00pm. I don't know the results of my tests... still hurting, and now I have a headache from the CT scan contrast they pumped in my veins. That stuff cannot be good for you.
So that's why I didn't make it to church tonight... sorry about that everyone. I would have rather been there... i'd have rather been at work all day too. (but that's not a stretch for me... I love my job!). Mad props to my Boss who rocks the world... he's not only covering on-call for me, he's actually very concerned that I get well. Kids, get a boss like that and life gets good. It's always better to work for a christian. Especially one who trys to live it.
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