Don't worry, I haven't lost my deep love for my home state just yet... but the "fine folks" with the Alabama Highway Patrol managed to take me for $158.00... gee thanks guys. Seems that the speed limit on one of the roads I have driven for years has dropped another 10 mph... down to 60. I was going 70... the officer says I was going 74, but he didn't radar me (says he did, but my radar detector did not go off... who do you believe?)
Anyway, the trip was otherwise quite good... Otto (one of our dogs) had a ceizure at the vets office where we board him. I thought that was going to be a big bill, but turned out to only be about an extra $15 for the meds and time spent in the hospital. Whew!
But seriously, other than those 2 small events, we had a blast this weekend! Going to see J & R was a real treat... they have a nice new apartment and a pool. Glad we got to spend some time with them. We miss those guys! We went from seeing them at least once a week, to once every couple of months now... just sucks!
Ann's folks are coming up next weekend, and we are headed to Branson.... shut up... it's not funny.
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