I had a thought and e-mailed an old friend of mine a couple of days ago. Today I got an e-mail back that said this:
"I was screwed over by *former employer* my mom died, puppy died last month as result of being caged while tending to my mom in numerous hospitals trying to save her life. I've been unemployed for 10 months and am losing stuff left and right. But enough about my good fortune, thanks for saying hi."
This guy is known for being cynical, for feeling like the whole world is against him, and that no one cares. He's been that way as long as i've known him and probably longer. You can probably tell from his words, he's hurting... but he's defensive. He doesn't want anyone to get in, he just wants to throw his hurt outward onto everyone one else.
"Bob" is an awesome musician, he's played on records and tours for famous people and bands such as country supergroup "ALABAMA". He's known as one of the best in the industry at the instrument he plays. He is a good person. He has a rough exterior and to look at him, you'd think "Grizzly Adams", but he's just a big teddy bear at heart.
Why can't "Bob" find some peace? Because he repeatedly turns his back on God. He's walked away more times than I can remember. I once invited him to church, and he said "okay, but only if I can sit in with the band". I said "I can't guarantee that the worship leader will take to that idea". "Then i'm not going".
This is one of several examples I have in my experiences with him. He could be such a powerful witness for God, such a great person for the kingdom, but he won't turn loose of what he thinks makes him happy. What he's holding on to is the one thing that is holding him down... himself.
Please pray for my friend "Bob" . God knows the situation, and he can help.
He may be the only one who can.
Hey man,
I'd like to link your page on my blog.
If you are cool with that, let me know. If you like to keep your blog semi-annonymous, I understand that too.
let me know...
10:16 PM
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