Ever have one of those days, where you are totally demotivated? Today is one of those days.. i'm counting down the hours to when I get to head back to Alabama. Don't get me wrong, Arkansas is great and all, but it's not home.
I'm listening to "Workin' Man Blues" by Merle Haggard on Launchcast (haha, I work in radio, but listen to launchcast... go figure) I can relate on some levels, but not others... for example, got no idea what it's like to have 9 kids... geez.. doesn't he know what causes that? Man.. get him a biology book!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand... i'm in what I like to call "coast mode" today... that has nothing to do with the beach except that I sometimes daydream about the beach while I do it... no "coast mode" is doing the least amount of work possible, while still not completely laying out of work... laziness, you say? Nah.. it's just a little break from the nascar paced speed i've been at the last couple of weeks. I'm ready for this break. I need this break. I need to take some time off, but that just isn't going to happen.
I've got the greatest boss in the world.. i'm off call 2 weekends in a row! W00T
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