This article is truly disturbing.
So now we have decided that the Bible is not true? Such relativism and "pick and choose" christianity.
It's like people are saying "Well, I like this part, but that part.. well that just doesn't mean what it says, surely! That's so politically incorrect" or "That doesn't make me feel good so it must not be from God... Oh i'm sorry I mean to use a lower case g for god.. I don't want to offend anyone."
Man this stuff is getting too frightening. I makes me sick to my stomach.
I just have to remember that God is in control.
I read that article myself and it scares me... but this is not the first time this has happened in our church history.
9:12 AM
I guess the Catholic church really only holds to one verse in the Bible anyway: the one about them being the one and only true church. The rest of the Bible is just FYI. Why have a book when you've got tradition to base your beliefs on?
(note: sorry...I'm a bit harsh on Catholicism, though I know many Catholics who are true believers in Christ)
7:41 PM
Again I'm right there with ya. I can't get past praying to saints as if they are somehow praying on their behalf.
It is important to note that my wife was raised catholic, and her mother is still a practicing Catholic.
9:49 PM
I think my biggest doctrinal issues with Catholicism is the lack of free grace, the Marian doctrines, and Purgatory. I wrote a big post about my qualms with the Marian doctrines on my blog a while back...somewhere in my archives if you're interested in reading it.
Regardless, I do believe there are many true believers within the Catholic church, though being a Catholic does not make you a Christain. Of course, this holds true for any church.
8:28 PM
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