When I worked in theatre we used to have this saying "Don't tick off the techies... without us you would be standing naked on an empty, dark stage and no one could hear you." This will loosely apply to the following scenario.
I hate being lied to. I totally despise it, and lets remember that I have a degree in communications, i've been taught to see the signs of deception.
This morning one of our fine talent comes in to complain about the fact that we haven't put in this piece of equipment he bought and wanted installed (immediately, I might add). He thinks we are totally out to get him and ruin his show.
I explained that the equipment wasn't up to the standards we require as a part of our audio airchain. A $99 vocal effects processor, not pre-approved by engineering, doesn't go on the air. Period.
He proceeds to rant that this is the processor that the "big boys" use and we are just narrow minded and out to get him... how dare we!?!
I asked which "big boys" were using this equipment... His reply made me smile. "Mark and Brian"
Mark and Brian are a syndicated morning show out of Los Angeles. Mark, it just so happens graduated out of the same communications program that I did. We share a common contact. So I pop an e-mail off to a former professor who then gives me Mark Thompsons e-mail address. Not his work address mind you, but his personal address.
I ask him if they use a Vocal 300 Digitech processor on their morning show, and get a reply from him showing a converstation with his producer who says "No, we use some kind of harmonizer" And offers to get the exact technical name of it for me. I have requested it, but I now know beyond a doubt that I was being lied to so he could get his way.
So here is a lesson... don't lie to me. If I would go to the trouble of tracking down a nationally syndicated morning talk show host who is on vacation in order to find out if a co-worker is lying to me... what makes you think I wouldn't do the same to you?
Man, having connections is great!
you crack me up...and guess what, when I lead worship at Fastbreak, I want a vocal binford 3000 processor.
chris tomlin uses one...I swear!
4:01 PM
Really, now... hmm let me see who I know...
Don't forget I use to work with some people from a lighting company that did almost all of the big christian acts lighting rigs.
4:37 PM
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