After a week or two of a break from work, Arkansas and blogging I have returned.
The wife and I enjoyed a few days back home with friends and family, a couple of nights of great concerts and some EXCELLENT Japaneese food. I may very well be in love with Japaneese food from Mikato Steakhouse. I'm glad my wife doesn't mind. She almost has the right to be jealous.
We stayed a couple of nights with each of our parents, and 3 nights with Josh and Rebekah. Rebekah's sister Anna and friend Rachel tagged along for Big Spring Jam, which was cool except that the ONE FREAKING SHOW I WANTED TO SEE GOT RAINED OUT!!!!!!!!!! Yep, the Charlie Daniels concert was rained out. Now, I would have saved myself a buttload of money if it hadn't have been for the CDB show. I didn't really give a flip about the rest of it. A day pass to see Third Day might have been all I would have bought.
Ok... deep breath... i'm good.
How about Rowland said "Pissed off at God" this morning in church.. funny stuff. Write your comment cards now.
Ok, i'm distracted.
Anyway, so as you can see my train of thought left the tracks a long time ago, and i've got to really get back into the swing at work this week. Lots to be done.
Chappelle's show is funny. (I'm RICK JAMES!)
That is all.
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