It isn't my strong point. I think that most people would say that waiting or patience is not on the top of their list of favorite things to do. Today I have done a lot of "Hurry up and wait" I got to work around 10:30, I called ABC Radio networks and beat them over the head about a request I put in 2 weeks ago and have asked about 3 times (its a simple change that takes about 30 seconds to do). I waited.
I wired up the new closure for ABC News.... and i'm waiting to see if it works. I've had a few "this is broke" or "that isn't working" calls in the last couple of hours, but overall i'm still waiting. We automate a show for the first time tonight. It's a big deal because this project falls squarely in my lap. I have to wait until 5 to see if my network closure actually gets to the computer, then I have to wait until 6:20 or so to find out of the closure does what its supposed to do (cut away to commercial)
So if test 1 fails at about 5:20, then I have 40 minutes to trace the problem. I don't remember what I did to set it up nearly 2 months ago. That will be fun.
If test 2 fails, thankfully I have an operator who can stay on and handle the problem. That's good news at least. Then he'll be waiting on 9 o'clock.
Waiting... what a drag.
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