Hmm, so this blog still exists. It's been about 6 years since I posted here. I guess I had figured it was dead and gone. I wrote my farewell to this blog and sent you to another site (which doesn't exist anymore) and I blogged there for a couple of years, but ultimately the wave of twitter and facebook overtook my longform writing and micro-blogging became all the new hotness. Paying for a domain name got old, since I wasn't using it.
Well, today I was thinking how blog writing was a great outlet for my feelings and thoughts. Facebook and Twitter have just become a place for people to bicker and argue over stuff that doesn't matter. So i'm gonna write here from time to time. I don't promise consistency. This isn't for you or anyone else's benefit. Consider it like a journal left open on the coffee table... read it if you want, but ultimately it's just for me to vent and think and put stuff down so I can come back later and see what I was thinking that day.
So you're welcome to come hang out, comment, ask questions etc. I just don't make any promises.