For years now, especially since the 9/11 attacks, people have been calling on the so-called "Moderate Muslims" to denounce their radical counterparts.
I think that it is only appropriate that we as Christians also denounce any association with the most radical among us. This only applies to the most vile and extreme so-called "Christian" cults that are plaguing us today. More specifically I would like to personally denounce any association with Fred Phelps and the members of the "Westboro Baptist Church" whose message of hate and damnation goes directly against the Bible and all Christian beliefs.
These people do not represent Christianity in any way, other than by name. Jesus' entire philosopy and purpose was to reach the lost in a loving way, not by telling them that God hates them, because this is not true.
I urge each of you who call yourself Christian to post a similar message on your blog. I don't want this to turn into a "forward to all your friends if you love Jesus" kind of thing, but I think it is important that these people are not the voice of Christianity that people hear every day.