I don't know how many times in my life I have said this phrase. It is one of the few exceptions to my "don't speak in third person rule".
I was watching the news out of Birmingham tonight, more accurately it was on in the background and I was vaguely aware of it's intrusion into my living room. I perked up when I heard a familiar name, and glanced up to see a picture of 2 people I went to college with. Rewind on the DVR revealed that a young woman I went to college with, married less than a year, was carjacked on monday and shot while trying to escape. Thankfully she is recovering, but she is short a kidney and her spleen. I would have been okay, but her husband (who I also went to college with and knew as an acquaintence) was on there at a press conference and the pain in his eyes cannot be described with words. It is even more powerful if you had ever seen him in "fun zone" mode like I had seen him in many times before.