Not nearly as easy as just 'eating right and exercise', but lately I have started loosing a few pounds here and there. I do have a significantly larger amount of physical activity in the new job, and I have been eating salads for one meal almost every day. (So I take weekends off... shoot me). It has made a tremendous difference. Ann on the other hand is loosing weight too fast because of being kinda sickly for the last 6 or so weeks. She's on her way back from the Doc as we speak. Maybe we'll get her leveled out soon, but the good part is that she's starting to fit in clothes she wore in high school. I'm not arguing, I just hate that being sick was the cause. (I'm also not catching up right at the moment... *sigh*)
We have a good opportunity to drop the weight now, i've lost a pant size already with only minor adjustments... I can probably keep this up. I just know that one meal per weekday I eat a salad. It may have some meat on it, perhaps some boiled egg or something to give it a little protein.
Caught up with an old friend in Wal-mart today. It was good to see her. Ya know, 2 kids later, she still hasn't changed much physically or... well mentally either for that mattter. Ann and I are going to have her and some of Ann's friends from high school over for a cookout sometime soon. That is if we ever get all these blasted boxes unpacked!
Progress has been made on the boxes, we have a very large pile of empties on the back porch, and slowly but surely the closets are gaining clothes. It's the "slowly" part of that phrase that kills me.
I just realized how much i'm rambling. You probably aren't even reading by now. You are thinking "Geez... he hasn't posted in over a week...and this is what I get?" That is if you are, in fact, still reading. Oh well. I'm gonna shut up now.
To borrow the phrase... "love, peace, and chicken grease!"