at least this blog gets one more entry!
Sorry for not updating, and I know there are some folks in LR that haven't heard from us since we moved.
Well, the move went quite well, I didn't get to help much, since I wasn't home for the entire week before the truck rolled up to the door.
To give more of the story, I came home from work on Friday afternoon during the really bad tornado outbreak in TN/AL. I had to get to Little Rock... so the family and I loaded up and went. God is faithful, because we drove right between 2 tornadic supercell thunderstorms. The worst weather we encountered was moderate rain.
We got to LR about 2am, crashed, got up about 8:30 and got started packing the rest of the house, and going to get the truck. Finally about 6:00pm we finished up and got on the road, which in a 24ft truck means we still didn't get home until about 2am. We finished unpacking the truck on Sunday afternoon and Monday I went back out on the road. Ann stayed behind and started her new job (same company) and worked some on the house.
SIDE NOTE: Say a prayer for Ann, she is not feeling well.
Anyway, this week, Ann is on the road with me, which is a good thing... she's assisting me on these Server upgrade deployments and we are getting to spend some time together after 2 weeks of only seeing each other on the (very hectic) weekends.
So that is the update... the new job is fine... the contract i'm on right now is pretty sucky, but i'm working for great folks who are really trying their best to take care of me. Hopefully i'll be off the road for a while after may 4th.