Well, it looks like things are resolving, and that soon I will be moving back to Alabama with my Wife and puppy dog in tow. Unfortunately it looks like leaving work will be a "bad breakup" despite my efforts of giving them over a month's verbal notice, but with no firm date to back it up. (So I do understand where they are coming from... at least). It looks like I might have to start as soon as this week, yes I mean THIS week, as in the one starting on Monday. Not sure how this is going to work yet, still ironing out details.
Good news is, i'm getting to move home, make more money, Ann has a job in her field, also making more money, and that we will be able to work together.
Bad news is, i'll be travelling a lot at the beginning of my job, but there is a good side to that... Ann will be going with me on the road with a laptop to do her work. Not so bad overall. They will also be paying my expenses on the road above my salary. Pretty nice.
Anyway, it really isn't about the money, it's more about going home and Ann being happy about something for the first time since November. She's more excited than I am, although my lack of enthusiasm comes from the stress of these big life-changing decisions that i'm making. As soon as all the decisions are made i'll feel alot better and the happy dance will ensue!
Congratulations, and an advance welcome home.
Perhaps after you and the missus get settled, you two can swing by for a visit, perhaps involving me making a picher of my now infamous Strawberry Margaritas, and talk about the good times.
Godspeed on your journey home.
1:26 AM
Heath, we're going to miss you here in AR...but glad for the opportunity to have walked a little bit of life with you and Ann. Love you and hope all is wonderful back home in AL.
10:18 PM
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