Ever been burnt out? Ever just said "To Heck with this!"? I'm there. Today, my pastor resigned, and though I know the reasons I cannot discuss them here. The problem is that it all comes down to politics. What the church board says happened isn't really what happened, not that what they said isn't true, but it does not address the real issues.
When this church started, we had a vision... that vision was to reach lost people, to engage them where they live. Now the things I hear from the elders and a portion of the membership is "we like our 30 or 40 'family' members"
Not me. I want to see lost people reached.
So today, I also resigned as a member of the P&W team, something I didn't think even a week ago i'd actually do. I wish things could be different. For now, though, i'm going to go to the beach. I will try to turn my mind off for a few days. After that, i'm not sure where I will land, but i'm almost completely positive I will not be jumping into another church based ministry. Don't get me wrong, I intend to have a church home and somehwere that I can go and worship, but as for ministry I will be doing something evangelical, not just politics... oops I mean, church as usual.
I hate politics and I hate it worse when it becomes more important than God.
I'm there with you, man.
11:49 AM
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